Web conference ability is the most frequently cited collaborative feature within learning ecosystems
What can organizations do to address the lack of collaboration in their learning systems? To help answer this question, we asked participants about which collaboration features their learning systems have. The most widely cited response is web conferencing/webcasts (53%). We do not know, however, the extent to which respondents’ broader corporate environments have applications such as Zoom or other options that can be used for online collaboration.
Although most say they provide custom-built content, fewer than half create elearning courses
Content creation is an integral feature of learning systems. When it comes to creating learning content, we often think of using learning content management systems (LCMS). However, as found earlier, only 31% have an LCMS as part of their learning system. We asked respondents to indicate which content-related abilities their learning systems have and found that no capability is cited by a majority.
The top content-related capabilities in learning systems are:
- Creating elearning courses (43%)
- Creating discussion forums (37%)
- Creating blended learning (35%)