HR typically has the greatest responsibility for recruitment advertising
Recruitment Advertising Design and Strategy
HR is the department most likely to play a primary role in recruitment advertising design and strategy, selected by 44% of respondents. Fewer (17%) say a joint team made up of members of two or more departments is responsible for the design and strategy.
Among those organizations that use joint teams, personnel from the HR department are a member in 70% of cases, followed by personnel from marketing (61%) and communications (52%) departments.
Day-to-day Management of Recruitment Advertising
HR is most likely to have the primary responsibility for the day-to-day management of recruitment advertising, cited in 57% of cases. The other two most widely cited responsible parties are the marketing department (9%) and a joint team made up of members of two or more departments (14%). In 81% of joint teams, HR professionals are members, followed by personnel from marketing (55%) and communications (30%) departments.